Burdock Root Oil Macerate Organic

Burdock Root Oil Macerate Organic
Freistädter Straße 16
4040 Linz
Burdock root oil, macerated in sunflower oil from the roots of the Greater Burdock, has been valued since ancient times for its special care for dry and needy skin and scalp. Burdock root oil is heat stable and can be used in concentrations of up to 100%, giving you the freedom to use it pure or as a valuable component in your own cosmetic recipes. Its soothing and moisturizing properties make it an all-rounder for dry, needy, and sensitive skin as well as for dry scalp, dull, and thin hair.
One of the folk names, "Scabroot", points to the special effect of the oil, as "scab" used to refer to scurf or eczema. It is often recommended for the care of cradle cap in newborns - a gentle scalp massage is soothing and helps the scab to resolve more quickly.
General Notes
- Ideal for the care of dry, needy skin and scalp.
- Can be used pure or as an ingredient in homemade formulations.
- Heat stable, therefore also suitable for warm applications.
- Suitable for a variety of skin and hair types due to its compatibility.
- As a base oil, it provides an excellent foundation for making macerates.
Areas of Application and Recommendations
- Hair Care: Use burdock root oil for intensive care of dry scalp and to strengthen dull hair. Gently massage the oil into the scalp to moisturize and strengthen the hair roots.
- Shampoo Bars: Incorporate the oil into your homemade shampoo bars to benefit from its nurturing properties. It helps nourish and revitalize the hair, imparting natural shine and improving hair texture.
- Facial Care: For dry and sensitive skin, burdock root oil can be used in fluids and creams to soothe and moisturize the skin.
- Body Care: Dry and rough skin areas can become soft and supple again with the support of burdock root oil. Especially beneficial when applied after showering to lock in skin moisture.
- Shaving Care: As an addition to shaving products, burdock root oil can help soothe the skin and reduce irritations. It ensures a smooth and pleasant shaving experience.
Additional Application Suggestions
- Beard Care: Use the oil to tame a bristly beard and give it shine and a well-groomed appearance.
- Eyelash and Eyebrow Care: An age-old home remedy to care for eyelashes and eyebrows, giving them curl and a silky shine.
- Soap Making: Incorporate as a superfatting oil in hair and shampoo soaps to transfer the nurturing properties directly to hair and scalp.
Interesting Facts about the Raw Material / the Plant
The Greater Burdock, from which burdock root oil is derived, is known for its strong roots. These roots are rich in valuable ingredients such as arctinol and lappaphenes, known to strengthen and nourish the structure of hair and skin. Macerating in sunflower oil ensures that the beneficial properties of the burdock root are optimally preserved and transferred to the oil.
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